The Yoga Center
Portland, Maine
Directors Vickie Labbe & Jennifer Cooper
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Arthur Kilmurray
YIN, YANG as YES and NO:

Monday, May 7, 6 - 8:30 PM $50 - only $45 if registered before May 3
arthur.jpg Arthur Kilmurray is one of the most innovative and unique yoga instructors in the United States. His classes are explorations in somatic and self enquiry that use meditation and yoga postures as entry points for awakening to the timeless flow of aliveness. Drawing upon his years of study with yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar and Ramanand Patel, and somatic pioneers Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of Body Mind Centering and Emilie Conrad, creator of Continuum, Arthur helps students discover the relationships among energy flow, structure and light that are the foundations of awakened, embodied presence and provides them with skillful means to continue their own on-going enquiries into the mysteries of existence and their role in the planetary unfolding.

The YES/NO is a whole life approach, like parenting. Can we say yes to the innate divinity of creation, and at the same time say no to the unhealthy ego driven actions?

Can we use the path of 'NO' or NETI NETI in Sanskrit: I am not my body, I am not my thoughts, I am not anything that is transient or impermanaent - and still say 'YES' to wholeness?

This is in couterpoint to the 'RESIST' movement, which, on one hand seems reasonable and necessary, but actually perpetuates the fundamental problem which is a dualustic mind set, using division and separation to define oneself.
Come explore this non-dual approach using the micro-cosmic orbit as a map for meditation, asana, breathing, and life exploration.
Click here for a flier